#7 Becoming Land

Show notes

#7 Becoming Land with Angela Melitopoulos and Barbara Glowczewski, a Podcast by HAU Hebbel am Ufer (Berlin).

In her work, artist Angela Melitopoulos questions the ways we observe and perceive landscapes. Unlike the colonial legacy of anthropology and the positivism of natural sciences, she advocates an understanding of the earth's surface as a 'speaking landscape', an agent of a statement. In this podcast issue of “Burning Futures: On Ecologies of Existence”, Melitopoulos and anthropologist Barbara Glowczewski look into the method of affective cartography as well as resistant cultures of the perception of land – including those of the indigenous cosmologies central to Glowczewski's activist and scholarly work for the past 40 years. In the face of ecosystem destruction through extractivism and climate change, they ask how to accept and appreciate heterogeneity and the revitalisation of existential territories.

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