#2 Fossil Economies, Degrowth Ecologies
Show notes
2 Fossil Economies, Degrowth Ecologies with Andreas Malm, Andrea Vetter and Tadzio Müller, A Podcast by HAU Hebbel am Ufer (Berlin)
The second edition of the podcast series documents a live discussion at the HAU theatre, which focusses around the questions: Why are we so dependent on fossil fuels? What role do they play in our growth-centred economies? Can there be green, environmentally sustainable growth? And finally: Is it too late to initiate a transformation to prevent a climate catastrophe? Andreas Malm (“Fossil Capital”, “The Progress of This Storm. Nature and Society in a Warming World”), Andrea Vetter (“Degrowth/Postwachstum. An Introduction”) and Tadzio Müller (political scientist, climate justice activist) discuss the relation between fossil capital, economical growth and degrowth ecologies.
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