#1 Facing Extinction

Show notes

#1 Facing Extinction with Franco Berardi Bifo, Marcela Vecchione, and Antonia Majaca, A Podcast by HAU Hebbel am Ufer (Berlin)

The environmental disasters that we are currently facing have already had fatal consequences for many individuals, groups and species. And they deepen the inequalities along race, class and gender lines. The least responsible suffer the most. How do we deal with the fact that we are too late to reverse them? What would it mean to think from the end and deal responsibly with the coming disasters? And what exactly is ending: the world, humanity, biodiversity or faith in the Western way of life? Theorist Franco Berardi Marcela Vecchione, professor at the Institute for Advanced Amazonian Studies, and feminist theorist Antonia Majaca discuss these ecopolitical questions with respect to anitcapitalist, decolonial and feminist struggles.

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