Burning Futures: On Ecologies of Existence

Burning Futures: On Ecologies of Existence
#Too little, too late
A look at the state of our planet gives every reason to worry – and to think. The speed and extent of the environmental disasters looming over us with climate change, species extinction, extreme weather events, pollution and overuse of land, air and water, etc. are unprecedented and as real as they are incomprehensible. The slow violence of these transformations has accelerated to a staccato of events. The series of lectures and discussions at HAU Hebbel am Ufer, "Burning Futures: On Ecologies of Existence", initiated by Magarita Tsomou (HAU) and curated by Maximilian Haas, looks at the escalating and indeed apocalyptic discourses of the coming catastrophes against the background of ever-growing ecological crises and debates ways and aims of political action. While we can still discuss these issues in a relatively safe and sound environment, in the global South and elsewhere the ecologies of human existence are already being destroyed by rising sea levels, hurricanes, floods, droughts and fires. Yet it is primarily the way of life and production of the industrialized West, based on the destructive exploitation of resources, human and other, that has led to this situation, from which it is still quite well shielded today. The ecological question is therefore closely linked to economies of extractivism, racial capitalism, patriarchal oppression and colonial exploitation, and thus cannot do without critically addressing them. For these reasons, this discussion series is not intended to be an expert debate on ‘nature’, but to take an intersectional perspective on ecological issues and make economic and cultural contexts explicit.

“Burning Futures: On Ecologies of Existence” is a lecture and discussion series by HAU Hebbel am Ufer. Supported within the framework of the Alliance of International Production Houses by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media. With kind support by Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung. Initiated by Margarita Tsomou (HAU Hebbel am Ufer) and curated by Maximilian Haas.
Podcast Production: Fritz Schlüter. Speaker: Orlando de Boeyken. Jingle: Sonja Deffner

Burning Futures: On Ecologies of Existence

Latest episodes

#12 Strategies on Fire: What Next for the Climate Movements

#12 Strategies on Fire: What Next for the Climate Movements

69m 3s

#12 Strategies on Fire: What Next for the Climate Movements / With Franziska Heinisch (Justice is Global), Lea Main-Klingst (ClientEarth), Amelie Meyer (Extinction Rebellion), Tonny Nowshin, Carla Reemtsma (Fridays for Future), Esteban Servat (Shale Must Fall), Louise Wagner (Ende Gelände)

“Blah, blah, blah” – that was Greta Thunberg’s comment on what was happening at COP26, the UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow 2021. Climate activists accuse politicians and corporations of repeatedly making verbal promises to reduce CO2 emissions, but not consistently keeping them. After years of appeals and protests, the climate movement faces a strategic challenge: how to continue fighting...

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#11 Climate Crisis, Planetary Justice and the Problem of the Capitalocene: With Jason Moore

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#11 Climate Crisis, Planetary Justice and the Problem of the Capitalocene: With Jason Moore

With the concept of the Capitalocene, Jason Moore formulates a revolutionary thesis against the discourses of the Anthropocene: it is not humans per se that are responsible for environmental destruction and global warming but rather the capitalist mode of production – that only some humans profit from. Ever since Columbus's invasion of the Americas, global extractive capitalism has been turning the planet as a resource into ‘cheap nature’ and into a global waste dump. The Capitalocene is, according to Moore, a world ecology of power, production...

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#10 Regenerieren statt Erschöpfen: Mit Maja Göpel und Eva von Redecker

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“Burning Futures” bringt die Politökonomin, Expertin für Nachhaltigkeitspolitik und Transformationsforschung und Mitbegründerin von “Scientists for Future” Maja Göpel und die Revolutionsphilosophin und Feministin Eva von Redecker ins Gespräch. Beide haben in jüngster Zeit ihre Stimmen prominent für tiefgreifende Veränderungsprozesse im Kontext von Kapitalismus, Wachstumslogik, Nachhaltigkeit und Autoritarismus erhoben. Neben ihrer beider Kritik an der Verteilung und Funktion von Eigentum entwickeln sie Visionen von Zukünften – ob durch politisch-ökonomische Transformation bei Göpel oder durch die Kraft einer “Gemeinschaft der Teilenden” der jüngsten Protestbewegungen bei von Redecker. Sie diskutieren über ihre gemeinsamen, aber auch differierenden Vorstellungen für einen notwendigen Wandel, der im...

#9 Future Ecologies: Compounds, Breakdown, Reparation

#9 Future Ecologies: Compounds, Breakdown, Reparation

74m 7s

#9 Future Ecologies: Compounds, Breakdown, Reparation with Maria Puig de la Bellacasa and Dimitris Papadopoulos, a Podcast by HAU Hebbel am Ufer (Berlin).

Burning Futures enters into conversation with Maria Puig de la Bellacasa and Dimitris Papadopoulos, two people who have focused their research and work on ecological philosophy and transformative practice between natural history and techno science for years. In her much read book “Matters of Care. Speculative Ethics in More Than Human Worlds” (Minnesota University Press, 2017), Bellacasa examines the feminist tradition of care work in planetary dimensions while Papadopoulos brings together new green chemical innovations with the...